Die Veranstaltung „Pferdeherbst Mils“ findet am Mittwoch, den 26.Oktober 2016 statt und lädt Pferdebegeisterte aus Nah und Fern zu einem geselligen Zusammentreffen in Mils ein.

In addition to the Swarovski Memorial Show (international dressage competition) at Schindlhof, the Tyrolean Championships in Western Riding at Kohlerhof and St. Martin’s Ride in Gnadenwald (which was initiated a few years ago), the Hall-Wattens regions will host another event that revolves around horses as of autumn 2018.

For more information about the event go to: www.pferdeherbst-mils.at
Pferdeherbst - Festumzug - Mils in Tirol

The Mils Autumn Horse Show will take place on 20 and 21 October 2018 and will attract horse enthusiasts from near and far to an autumn gathering in Mils.

Come and experience historic carriages like the salt car, traditional coaches and a colourful mix of horse breeds and their riders.

The riders and coaches will take part in a panoramic ride and will return to the village via Oswald Milser Strasse and continue to Pferdehof Tiefenthaler where the procession will end.

Pferdeherbst in der Ferienregion Hall-Wattens

Folklore groups, horse teams and hobby riders will hold performances at ‘Schiachl-Brunnen’, the fountain in Oberdorf. The Mils Autumn Horse Show will be organised by Ossi Tiefenthaler and Lois Kaltenböck and their team and by the URV Volgger Mils Riding Club.

Pferdehof Tiefenthaler in Mils - Pferdeherbst Mils 2016

Whether you come on horseback, in a carriage or on foot to watch the spectacle – we look forward to seeing you and to a fantastic event!



Matthias ist seit 2011 im Marketingteam des Tourismusverbandes. Er ist ein sehr naturverbundener und gleichzeitig traditionsbewusster Tiroler. Neben dem Sport in den Bergen ist die Landwirtschaft seine größte Leidenschaft.